Earth, Air,
Fire & Water
5 week Art Workshop
More information coming soon!!
We all have artistic ability and by tuning into the four elements
In this workshop you will:
- Learn how to free the artist within – even if you are wounded, or shy
- Connect through meditation
- Play with colour in fun, creative and meditative ways
- Learn to trust and tap into your inner creative – we all have one!
- Use art for self-expression and self-trust
- See how you can incorporate meditation into your creative practice to connect deeper with yourself
- Learn to dialogue with your art- what is this piece telling me about myself?
- Discover that art is not a stressful process; you can reclaim art as fun!
You will create 5 beautiful art pieces that is representative of the power of nature as you free the creative within and embrace the elements around you!

This workshop will leave you shocked by your own ability when it reveals your untapped ability to make stunning artworks to keep or share with loved ones.

This is not about who can create the most life-like portrait or gallery worthy sculpture. This is an workshop designed to engage your creativity and build your confidence.

Just bring yourself and a willingness to explore the world as the creator that you are!

This workshop is for all levels

Location: In the comfort of your own home via Zoom
See what some of our happy client’s have said about this workshop
This workshop is ideal for anyone who wants to dive into paint and ink, and who wants to explore a side of themselves that they may not have had the time or space to explore before. Thank you Di!
Her insight helped me trust the process, and the flow on effects were incredible. I highly recommend this workshop for anyone who wants to let go, be free, create from the heart, and discover a magic within them they rarely get to tap into. Thank you, Di, for such a wonderful gift.”
However, this all changed when I was nurtured and encouraged by Di.
I arrived feeling a little anxious as I thought I was amongst very creative people in the workshop and I was stepping way out of my comfort zone!
I didn’t want my artwork to be compared to everyone else and I didn’t feel CONFIDENT and have my self-esteem crushed again!
Di’s gentle yet nature and passion for art quickly made me feel comfortable and realise this was about ME and My unique artist within and that there is no right or wrong to any of the processes they are just about discovering, playing and having fun….my little girl awakened as I settled into the day and I had so much FUN!
I came away with 4 art pieces I was super proud of and couldn’t wait to take my paint kits home and continue to play and share this with my kids!
Thank you for freeing my artist within.
Next dates:
Check back on this page for updates when our next workshop will be.