Empower Others

Start Your Meditation Teaching Journey

Many years ago, I was working in the county courts, a high stress environment…

…my only choice to escape the stress?
get a few moments of peace in the bathroom.

To close my eyes and breathe.
Not ideal, but sometimes you take what you can get.

I knew I needed to find a way to gear up my toolbox – to learn how to ground my energy…
So 20 years ago, I decided to learn.

That’s what truly amazes me about meditation, unlike many other tools, I could practice it anywhere—whether on a busy train or during a hectic day at work. This ability to ground myself in any moment, to release anxiety and find clarity, became invaluable.

It helped me move forward.

Meditation became my lifeline during a period when I struggled with self-acceptance and mental health challenges, long before these issues were openly discussed.

Through dedicated practice and inner work, meditation empowered me to gradually wean off medication and antidepressants.

It became a journey of slowing down, reclaiming mindfulness, and appreciating the beauty of focusing on one task at a time.

When I first delved into meditation, resources were sparse, and it took years to uncover what truly resonated with me. Today, I practice a hybrid meditation approach that blends various techniques into a unique formula that brings clarity and peace.

My journey into meditation teaching began with a simple realisation: meditation had profoundly changed my own life, and I felt compelled to share its benefits with others.

Today, I am passionate about sharing this transformative practice with others. Each session, whether guiding others or practicing myself, reinforces the profound truth: an anxious mind cannot thrive in a relaxed body.

This principle underpins my teaching philosophy, emphasizing the interconnectedness of breath, body, and mind.

Are you ready to share your love and enthusiasm for meditation with the world? Our Meditation Teacher’s Course is designed to help you deepen your own practice, gain the confidence to lead groups, and make a real impact by sharing your wisdom. Whether you’re a teacher, counsellor, wholistic health professional, lightworker, or a musician who wants to combine your music with meditations, this course is for you.

Many people who could be amazing meditation teachers hold back because they think their own practice isn’t “good enough.” This self-doubt often stops them from sharing their valuable knowledge and experience with others.

If you’re:

  • If you’re nervous about running a group, or worried about not getting enough sign ups to your class
  • Have anxiety about being too mainstream or too “woo-woo” and striking a balance between the two
  • Trying to fit too much into one meditation


  • Feeling like you need more experience to run a meditation group
  • Not being able to write effective meditations
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility of leading a group

Allow me to guide you.


Gain confidence in writing and facilitating meditation groups

A 14-week course designed to help you connect with your authentic self, deepen your meditation practice, and share your inner wisdom with others. You will gain the ability to write and lead meditations, run successful groups, and help your clients deepen their practice.


Become an experienced and accredited meditation teacher


Provide a new service or product to your current clients


Make a difference in the lives of others by sharing your knowledge

$995AUD or 3 Monthly Payments of $392


Our course will help you connect with your authentic self, deepen your meditation practice, and share your inner wisdom with others. You will gain the ability to write and lead meditations, run successful groups, and help your clients deepen their practice.

Want to learn more? Download the course prospectus

  • Teachers, Counsellors, Alternate Health Professionals: Enhance your current practice by integrating meditation techniques.
  • New to Meditation teaching: Begin your journey with the right tools and guidance.
  • Lightworkers: Deepen your spiritual practice and share your insights with others.
  • Parents with Neurodivergent Children: Use meditation to bring peace and balance into your family life.
  • Sound Healers and Musicians: Combine your musical talents with meditation to create powerful experiences.

I began this course with Diane and thought I knew a bit about it. I actually knew very little.

What an eye-opener it was for me.

had been meditating for many years in a very limited way, which was working for me at the time. I now have been educated in many types of meditations.
I feel this is a very important component in teaching meditation as we are all different and have different needs. Through participating in this course, I was given many tools to use to help create peace and calm in a group seating and for individuals.
I have since started a meditation group in my home which began due to this course. I would highly recommend the meditation teachers course, not only to learn how to teach the fundamentals of meditation, but you are also taken on a journey of self discovery. Wow, what a ride! I thank you sincerely Di for all you have taught me.
Carolyn Jones

What you will learn:

  • Overview of meditation, including its history, definition, benefits, contra indicators, and precautions.
  • Addressing myths and excuses, and developing your own meditation practice.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)
    • Stress and its effects on the body, including the fight or flight response and social readjustment scale.

    • Relaxation techniques and emotional mindfulness, including progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) and self-reflection.


    • Writing and structuring a meditation, including intention, wording, and tone of voice.
    • Incorporating senses, grounding, word repetition, direction, and silence in meditation.
    • Rituals, preparation, and maintenance, including Diane’s personal rituals, cleansing, and protection.
    • Working on Zoom and the code of ethics.
    • Exploring practices beyond meditation, including the use of crystals and divination cards.
    • Techniques for body focus.
    • Pathways, stages, and types of meditation, including the stages of meditation and insightful ME.
    • Breathing techniques and finding belonging in the breath, with a story on overcoming impulses and desires.
    • Instructions for creating a vision board, including materials needed and a timelapse demonstration.
    • A manifesting meditation.
    Basic Communication Skills
    • Iceberg Model
    • Causes, stages, and degrees of conflict, along with conflict resolution strategies.
    • Understanding group dynamics.
    • Starting, running, and communicating with groups, including holding space.
    • Planning templates.
    • Nature in meditation, smoke cleansing, and recording meditations for distribution

    All of your assignments will be evaluated and you’ll be accredited as a meditation teacher once completed.

    You will be given a manual & worksheets to fill in

     Online – You have 8 months to complete the accredited course to gain qualifications. All at your own pace.


    Learning platform – 2 in-person sessions with Diane – 8 months to complete the whole course. 

    Ready to Join?

    $995AUD or 3 Monthly Payments of $392


    You will:

    • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the holistic benefits of meditation for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
    • Demonstrate proficiency in facilitating meditation sessions and managing groups
    • Deepen your practice and emotional well-being, improving your mental health and resilience.
    • Joy in teaching and helping others, build your community and create a supportive network.
    The Meditation Teachers Training Certificate is both a wonderful personal journey and course that will allow you to share this life-changing tool with many others. Di’s style is warm, nurturing and informative. This is a woman who knows her stuff and who will likely become a long life friend and Mentor. 
    I completed what turned out to be a personal 1:1 training online via skype and would look forward to our weekly discussions which covered an in-depth approach to understanding, creating and teaching meditation. I have learnt so much and now I am so grateful to be sharing wisdom and teachings with both my coaching clients and many others. 
    Di you are truly a special soul. Thank you for all that you have taught me and giving me the confidence, knowledge and courage to go out there and shine my own light. 
    Pip Honour

    Wellness Coach, NLP Practitioner and Meditation Teacher

    This Meditation Teacher Training will teach you how to:


    Write and record a meditation in your own style


    Tailor your meditations specifically for your clients


    Host meditation workshops on or offline


    Earn income creating and sharing meditations


    Use art & crystals and divination cards in your meditation practice


    Facilitate your own meditation group


    Create a supportive and safe space for your group


    Channel meditations without a script, trusting yourself more

    Professional recognition: Be certified and feel confident with a certificate of recognition and stamp from the Holistic Healers and Councillors Association.

    You’ll also be able to apply for membership to the Australian holistic healers and counsellors association.

    Enjoy going deeper into your meditation practice every day while completing this course. 

    Enjoy learning at your own pace and listening to the audio or watching the videos where ever you are.


    Ready to make a difference? Enrol in our Meditation Teacher’s Course and start your journey towards a fulfilling and impactful practice. Connect with your authentic self, gain the skills to lead, and inspire others with your unique gifts.


    Hear from some previous students of the course:

    I highly recommend the Meditation Teacher course.

    Its comprehensive and practical, covering all aspects and areas related to becoming a meditation teacher. It is clearly written, easy to follow, providing a fantastic range of templates so you are not having to think about the “how to”, and the wonderful creative exercises provide a great way to learn and hone your intuition.

    I have been meditating for many years, this course provided the opportunity to learn about the theory and the different types of meditation and to try them out for myself. As part of the course, you learn to write meditations, and then run some mediations for a few family and friends. This seemed like a big thing to do, yet the delivery of the course built up my confidence and it became really achievable. I was surprised at the wonderful response from friends, and I really enjoyed it.

    Joanne Lang

    Plus, for each person who signs up we will plant a tree!

    To have any questions answered about the course, you can book a free 20-minute chat with Diane

    What else is included?

    • Template to Run a Vision Board Course: Create a product to sell and help your students find themselves.
    • Certificate Course (100 Hours): Gain a recognised qualification.
    • Two Practical Workshops: Get practical feedback and hold yourself accountable.
    • Two Mandatory 1-on-1 Calls: One for feedback and a bonus call for additional help.
    • Email Access: Have your questions answered anytime during the course.
    • Workbooks and Manuals: Over 185 pages of material plus templates and links.
    • How to Smoke Cleanse: Integrate cleansing techniques into your practice.
    • Recording for Distribution: Learn to record, add music and distribute your meditations.
    • Meditations in Each Module: Experience a variety of meditations, including those from previous graduates.
    • Incorporate Crystals, Art, and Divination Cards: Enhance your meditations with creative elements.

    Diane opened up a whole new world to me and taught me some very valuable tools.

    No question was too hard for her to answer and she made the experience rewarding with new applications to the craft to take home each week.
    Diane’s working style is very person-centred and she will work with your individual needs.
    Since completing my course I have had the courage to open my own Counselling practice which also boasts a Meditation Studio complete with a Meditation Practitioner!
    I didn’t think I would ever call myself a qualified Meditation Teacher, thanks to the guidance of Diane I can proudly say I am.
    Shelley Ellis

    Counsellor & Meditation Practitioner, Counselling 2U

    Di is a wealth of information when it comes to meditation.
    The course allows you to evolve organically with your own personal exploration in writing, piecing together and facilitating an actual group.
    Classes left me feeling inspired and uplifted.
    Brionie Kelly

    Diane is a wonderful teacher who generously shares her wealth of knowledge and wisdom as an experienced meditation teacher. I thoroughly enjoyed her Meditaiton Teacher Training. I had heard of her reputation as a teacher. Our sessions together were always full of valuable information and insights, but it was the ongoing support that was most invaluable for me. Was wonderful to be able to receive positive feedback from my first two groups of meditation students. I now feel confident to go out and share more of what I have learnt and the benefits of meditation with others.

    Natasha Tay


    Learn at your own pace

    Don’t adjust your life to fit the course dates

    Apply today to become an accredited meditation teacher, deepen your meditation practice and learn how to facilitate your own groups and write, record and sell meditations.

    How you’ll be certified:


    Finish all homework in Member Portal


    Call with Diane at Module 6 & 14


    Certification by the Australian Holistic Healers Council

    To have any questions answered about the course, you can book a free 20-minute chat with Diane


    Do I need to have any experience with meditation?
    Prerequisites is that you have been practicing meditation for at least 12 months and have a personal meditation practice for self in place.
    How can I use my certification after I have successfully completed this course
    You can use the certification in many ways such as teaching  meditation to groups or individuals, run workshops on meditation, write articles, record your own mediation or create a vision board workshop. There are many ways to take meditation out into the wider community.
    What equipment do I need to bring?

    You’ll need a device that you can access the internet, Zoom, YouTube.
    Notebook and pen

    A Journal to record your meditation thoughts and feelings (optional)

    What are the recommended hours should I put aside each week?
    Approximately 5-6 hours per week this includes 2hr Live Zoom call, 2-3 hours of meditation per week and reading time of manual and other recommended reading and or viewing/listening.
    Is there assistance to me while I am doing the course?

    Yes you can contact your instructor via email for help.
    There is also a bonus Zoom call that you can access anytime during the course to discuss matters with your instructor.

    A further fee of $160 per hour if you wish another session with the instructor outside the allotted sessions.

    Do you have a payment plan available?
    Yes a payment plan is available for the Meditation Teachers Course
    Is your course accredited?
    We are independently (non-government) accredited to Australian standards by the Australian holistic healers and counsellors association (AHHCA). At the moment we are not internationally accredited.
    When does your course commence?
    The course is offered twice a year with live weekly Zoom lessons and access to all other information online.
    Can I become a member of an association while studying?
    As a student you can apply for student membership with the Australian holistic healers and counsellors association(AHHCA). A letter of recommendation is downloadable from the learning platform.
    Do I need to complete the course in a specific time frame?

    Yes, to be completed within 8 months of starting the first module. It is broken up into up to 6 months on the online learning and 2 months to complete the Final module 14 – Workshop assessment.

    If needed a deferral is available for up to 12 months.

    What documentation do I receive on successfully completing this course?

    You will receive a Certificate and a Statement of results
    Reference letter recommending you for practitioner membership for the AHHCA

    Are there exams or assessments?

    You will need to successfully complete:

    • 6 assessments and upload a meditation log book through out the course.
    How is the course run?
    A weekly 2 hour Live Zoom sessions with home study by accessing to materials online, meditation practice and assessments.
    Can I put my course on hold?

    You would need to complete a deferral form and have it approved. Up to 12months is available. Form can be found on the online platform of course.

    Can I get a refund?
    Yes, If you decide after 7 days that you don’t wish to continue with the course you will be refunded the money paid less a $50.00 admin fee.
    Do I need internet access for the course?
    Yes you will need access to the internet for the Live Zoom lessons and to access other materials online.
    Do I need to meditation while

    Yes, it is very important that you keep your mediation practice up while completing this course.
    Part of your passing grade is to be doing at least 2-3 hours per week while studying.

    What currency do I pay in?
    All payments are to be made in Australian dollars (AUD)

    Free grounding meditation

    Re-align and fix:

    • Feelings of uneasiness and restlessness

    • Feeling unfocused

    • Off balance physically

    • Tired, drained of energy

    • Spaced out/losing time

    • Feeling dizzy

    • Forgetfulness

    • Scatty concentration

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